The best CSS analyzer out there.
Project Wallace is a set of CSS analyzers that check your complexity, specificity, performance, Design Tokens and much more. And all of that in a single web app.

Harry Roberts (csswizardry)
If you need to get a handle on your CSS,
you need Project Wallace.
Audit your CSS like a Pro
See every color, check every single media query, inspect the format of your colors. Everything is made visible in our CSS Analyzer.
Dive deep into your CSS
See every color, check every single media query, inspect the format of your colors. Everything is made visible in our CSS Analyzer.
Code Quality check
Need a quick check-up on your CSS without all the details from the analyzer? Do a CSS code quality check.
Specificity what?
Very few tools get this right, but we’ve got your back: our specificity analyzer supports all the latest specs.
Want to play a game?
Are you in the mood for a game? Let’s see how many CSS units you have remembered over the years!
Audit your Design System
Your Design System team will love it
Wallace encourages you to reduce the amount of colors, shadows and typography choices. Consistency is key for well-engineered Design Systems.
Keep your colors in check. Get rid of that slightly off brand color.
Make typography consistent by spotting all unnecessary font-sizes.
Animations are cool, but make sure your timing functions are all approved!
That paragraph in the footer looks odd. Wallace tells you why.

I’ve been using @projectwallace with my client and it is a fantastic dashboard to keep an eye on your CSS.